Hi I’m Tara, and I’ve been doing TaiChi for
4 Months at Holistic Fitness Centre and actually
my asthma has cleared up a bit and I can now
jog for small distances and go up steep hills
where I used to get out of breath.

So would you say that’s a big improvement
in your quality of life Tara?

Yeah, its definitely nice to go up hills without
getting breathless and I’m looking forward
to seeing in the next couple of months to a year how
I more improve.

Have you noticed anything else?

A lot of energy, a lot more energy, I’m a
bit calmer, I’m able to keep myself calm when
I get stressed out.

And you were telling me about some hane to
eye co-ordination improvements that you noticed.

Yeah I’ve actually started catching things
when, I’m actually pretty useless at catching
things but I’m atarting to see slight signs
of improvement there and I’m hoping it wasn’t
a fluke.

Excellent, very good.

And who would you recommend this to Tara,
who do you think it would be good for?

I’ve actually recommended a couple of people,
wait and see if the join up but, and my friend

Sheila who’s quite got fybromyalgia, FM as
my Dad calls it and a friend also that I know
down the street, so pretty much anyone I meet
if I want to see them.

And anyone with any particular ailments or
any particular conditions that you think it
would be good for?

I think it could do good for any person with
any health conditions really.

Excellent, well enjoy your training tonight,
thanks very much Tara.

You’re welcome
